Story: Jung-hwan (Choi Seong-guk) is a playboy who chases after women and has a pleasent life thanks to his
rich father. One day he saves Eun-ju (Shin Yi) from drowning. Since that day the girl has fallen in love with her
savior and follows him wherever he goes. Jung-hwan, however, isn't interested in her and after a night that he
spends with her while being absolutely drunk, the two go seperate paths.
Two years later Jung-hwan is still studying after 10 years at a college and enjoys his great time with his good
buddy Chil-gu (Jo Sang-gi). Suddenly Eun-ju appears again. She has become a prosecuter and gave
birth to two children, whose father is no one else but Jung-hwan, as she is telling him and his parents. The family
of Jung-hwan sees no other way, but to initiate a marriage, which is opposing Jung-hwan's wishing, naturally.
While Eun-ju is working on a tough case, that is about rapes, Jung-hwan continues to enjoy his life to the fullest and
totally forgets his obligation towards his two sons. Nevertheless, Eun-ju has her own way of dealing with her husband
and bringing him back down to earth...
Review: I should prepare something like a rating tag, which I can just put on every new rom-com that crosses my
way. In the end it's always the same old story: The movie isn't something special, you'll forget it very soon, yet it
delivers some nice entertainment and a few nice jokes. With "Oh! My God" it's not any different.
Once again a director makes his debut. This time it's Kim Jeong-woo and I put my money on the fact that we surely
will never see anything from him in the future again. It's nearly as if any guy in Korea can give it a shot to
make a rom-com. You are sure to get the money back from devoted movie-goers, anyway, as one sticks to the
same proved formulas for such movies.
The story of "Oh! My God" (the title itself is enough to make me groan in agony...) is somehow not that bad. Sure, it
all goes straight for the constellation that A loves B, but B isn't interesed in A, until B realizes how loveable A
is in fact.
The way Eun-ju gets to her man of dreams, namely through her two kids, well, that's strong stuff. She says herself that
she only gave birth to the kids to be loved by Jung-hwan. If that's not a good reason, then I don't know...
Aside from that there is a nice side story, which is about a case of Eun-ju. Of course, it all becomes bigger than
one first expected, until the case even makes its way into her private life and at the end has its climax in a showdown
that is supposed to be thrilling and captivating. Unfortunately, the audience never has the feeling that the main
protagonists are really endangered or that anything serious could happen to them. That is because the main mood of
the film is your typical happy-life one.
It's great that Shin Yi ("Sisily 2km") is finally having the lead in a movie. Sadly, she just has to play the
wacky, extroverted woman who wants to get her hands on her man at all costs. For my taste she had to take on this role
quite too often. Moreover, she proves that Korean women just look best without any make-up and that they should never
wear Bavarian garbs.
Basically, Shin Yi's performance would have been quite disappointing if it weren't for the more serious scenes of her
being a prosecuter. Eun-ju is a power woman, who likes to deal some blows, nearly an action heroine you might say,
who nonetheless can also be convincing in the more dramatic moments. Yet, when it's about Jung-hwan she suddenly
becomes the stupid little girl. This just doesn't fit, her character is too inconsistent and here it shows that one
should have put more effort into writing her role.
Choi Seong-guk sometimes lacks the charisma you would expect of a playboy, but most of the time he is doing his
stuff solidly enough. It's just a real shame that the chemistry between the two main actors just isn't anywhere to be
found. There are some nice and funny moments between them, but the essential spark just doesn't show up.
Flaws there are really enough in "Oh! My God". For instance there is this inappropriate insertion when Jung-hwan and
his buddy are kidnapped, which disrupts the continuity of the movie. Furthermore, there are several genres mixed
together once again. Towards the end one gets the feeling to watch a Korean gangster movie. There is a big brawl, the
film starts to become more serious, although just for short, there is even some blood and though the humour never gets
fully lost in this mess it all just doesn't work out.
Actually, there is a lot to criticize, but the film delivers some surprisingly good jokes, that can make you forget
some of the more serious flaws. Characters like Chil-gu or Jung-hwan's father, played by Baek Il-seob are very likeable
and are responsible for some good chuckles.
"Oh! My God" is nothing extraordinary, despite its interesting story. Qualitatively it's a mixed bag. Some parts
of the movie just don't want to work out the way they were supposed to, others do quite well, though. Because of some
really funny scenes the film might have deserved a better rating, but there is just too much to animadvert as for it
to be justified.
This is no movie you shouldn't miss, but you won't regret it when watching it by chance...